Replies, page 2

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  1. Replying to @clmnsk on

    Thanks! From what I’ve read Strava is a bit more open with its API. Garmin seems to be way more restrictive about it. Your link reminds me of adding some info regarding Garmin there. 👍

  2. Replying to a post on

    Very nice, I like your approach. Thanks a lot for the snippet!

    I’ve not heard from a lot of people using the module yet.

    My impression is also that the module didn’t quite get the traction it deserves. Just love the work you have put into it!

    By the way, we’ve been having weekly virtual indieweb meetups if you’d like to join.

    Awesome, I will see if I can join.

    Thanks a lot for your response, Gregor!

  3. Replying to a post on

    Thanks a lot for the explanation!

    I’m already sending webmentions via Bridgy Publish. I altered your module to optionally include the publish URLs for (in my case) Twitter and Mastodon. I’ve done this in this file around that line. I’ve added a checkbox in my notes called “Post to Bridgy?”, and when that is checked I append the Bridgy publish URLs to $page->{$field} as additional URLs to process for webmentions.

    The core of what I need is what you wrote here:

    I wrote some more code that processes that response to get the tweet’s URL and updates the syndication link on the note.

    That’s basically exactly what I’m looking for. I see if I can achieve that by myself, playing a bit around with it.

    But thanks again for you reply, that clarifies a lot for me. And it’s also a bit sobering to see that apparently it’s really not that easy to automate the process. Looking around at all the #indieweb blogs and seeing all the syndicated links on notes frankly I felt quite stupid not understanding how all this folks are doing this automatically. Also one really can’t find a whole lot information around the web, which adds to the problem.

  4. Replying to @isellsoap on

    Next up: figuring out how to get Bridgy to push likes and retweets to me. I understand that I have to add some syndication markup to my website.

    What I’m still trying to understand is how to automatically add “Also on Twitter” links to my website post (as @adactio has it on his notes). Not quite understanding the underlying workflow yet.

  5. Replying to @isellsoap on

    Holy macaroni! I know I’m late to the game. But writing tweets, toots, etc. that originated from my website is … pretty fucking magical. 🤩 #indieweb